Latest Version of PHP 8.2

To find information about deprecated features, changes, and upgrades in PHP 8.2, you can follow these steps:

Performance Improvements: PHP releases often include performance enhancements to make web applications run faster. This could involve optimizations in the PHP engine, better memory usage, or improvements in the execution of code.

New Functions and Classes: PHP often introduces new built-in functions and classes to simplify common tasks or provide access to new functionality. These additions can enhance the developer experience and allow for more efficient code.

Syntax Enhancements: PHP may introduce changes to its syntax to improve readability or to enable new language features. These changes are usually carefully considered to maintain backward compatibility.

Type System Improvements: PHP has been gradually improving its type system with each release. Expect to see enhancements in type hinting, type safety, and possibly the introduction of new type-related features.

Error Handling: PHP may introduce improvements in error handling and reporting, making it easier for developers to identify and address issues in their code.

Security Enhancements: Security is a top concern for web applications. PHP updates often include security improvements, such as better default settings or the removal of deprecated and potentially insecure features.

Deprecations and Removals: Older, deprecated features are often marked for removal in newer PHP versions. Developers are encouraged to update their code to use modern alternatives to avoid compatibility issues in the future.

Extensions and Libraries: PHP’s standard library and extensions may see updates and additions, providing more tools and resources for developers.

Upgrade Guides: Some websites and blogs may publish upgrade guides when a new PHP version is released. These guides often highlight key deprecations and changes you need to be aware of when upgrading.

For example, with PHP 8.1, you had to write this tedious code to declare all class properties as readonly:class MyClass


public readonly string $myValue,

public readonly int $myOtherValue

public readonly string $myAnotherValue

public readonly int $myYetAnotherValue


Imagine the same with many more properties. Now, with PHP 8.2, you can just write this:readonly class MyClass


public string $myValue,

public int $myOtherValue

public string $myAnotherValue

public int $myYetAnotherValue


You can also declare abstract or final classes as readonly. Here, the order of the keywords doesn’t matter.

abstract readonly class Free {}

final readonly class Dom {}

You can also declare a readonly class with no properties. Effectively, this prevents dynamic properties while still allowing child classes to declare their readonly properties explicitly.

Next up, readonly classes can only contain typed properties — the same rule for declaring individual readonly properties.

You can use the mixed type property if you cannot declare a strictly typed property.

Trying to declare a readonly class without a typed property will result in a Fatal error:

readonly class Type {

   public $nope;


Fatal error: Readonly property Type::$nope must have type in … on line …

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